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股本、访问 & 机会-残疾服务办公室


博彩平台推荐在政策和实践上致力于为所有人提供平等的教育体验和环境, 包括那些有残疾记录的人,使残疾人有平等的机会和机会根据他们天生的能力学习和取得成就,而不会被他们的残疾与机构环境或学术要求之间的相互作用所产生的障碍所阻碍.

根据1973年《博彩平台推荐》第504条和1990年《博彩平台推荐》第三章的规定,通过无障碍项目和服务,为合格的残疾人提供教育机会,TU的残疾服务办公室支持这一机构对多样性的承诺, 经修订的(ADAAA).  除了, the Office serves as a resource to the University community by providing consultation and advocacy 服务s related to compliance.

残疾服务办公室鼓励未来的残疾学生在入学前与ODS联系,了解我们提供的服务的一般信息. 然而, prospective students should wait until they have been accepted and have committed to attending TU to fill out the 残疾服务登记表格.

Eligibility for 服务s or accommodation from the 残疾事务办事处 is a separate process from TU’s 博彩平台推荐 process. Requesting 服务s through ODS has no impact on admissions decisions, 金融援助, 或注册课程或其他学生服务的资格.

披露残疾是自愿的. 残疾人士不需要以任何方式注册或证明自己,除非他们希望从大学获得服务或住宿. 然而, 需要住宿的符合条件的残疾人士必须遵循住宿审批流程才能获得住宿批准. It is the individual with a disability’s responsibility to initiate this process as needed. It is important to note that not all accommodation requests may be fulfilled.

The steps in the accommodation approval process include the following:

    • 学生在残疾服务办公室注册;
    • 学生参与与ODS的互动过程;
    • The student submits supporting documentation; and
    • 残障服务进行住宿请求分析.

The entire accommodation approval process should be completed a minimum of 2-3 weeks before the accommodation is needed.

Although TU will accept and consider requests for reasonable accommodation at any time, 申请住宿的个人应提前足够长的时间开始住宿审批流程,以便在需要住宿之前至少2-3周完成整个流程,除非在申请表中另行注明具体的时间框架 ODS学生手册. 如果要求在60天内提出, 或以其他方式注明的指定时间范围, 在个人需要住宿之前, TU cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet the individual’s accommodation needs during the requested timeframe.

The individual with a disability starts the accommodation approval process by filling out the online 残疾服务登记表格.

无特殊情况, 残疾服务中心将在收到残疾人士的登记表后三十(30)个工作日内回应其住宿请求. This response will be emailed to the individual’s 午餐大学 电子邮件地址.

互动过程是残疾人与残疾服务协调员之间的非正式对话,以确定个人残疾与大学项目交叉产生的确切障碍, 活动, 和环境s to determine the potential reasonable accommodations that could remove those barriers. 互动过程在调查会议期间进行.

收到登记表后,发送给残疾人士的回复电子邮件将包含一封信,指示个人安排强制性咨询会议. It is the individual with a disability’s responsibility to schedule this meeting, 哪些可以当面进行, 几乎, 或者通过电话. The individual must be present during this interactive process; no one else can stand in for the individual with a disability on their behalf.

为残疾接受合理的照顾, the individual with a disability must provide appropriate supporting medical documentation. The documentation can be submitted at any time during the accommodation approval process.


  • 主要文件-这是个人的自我报告. This documentation source may be sufficient in cases where the disability is visible, 其影响是显而易见的.
  • 辅助文件-这是残疾服务协调员在与个人互动过程中或在评估先前实施的便利设施的有效性时形成的印象和结论.
  • Tertiary Documentation – This is written documentation from external or third-party sources. This documentation source is often necessary in cases where the disability is invisible or its impact is not apparent.


医疗专业人员可以选择提供第三方文档的格式,只要该格式满足以下要求即可 (详情请参阅 残疾服务办公室学生手册 参阅三级文件指南的完整列表):

  • 该文件必须来自有执照或其他适当资格的医疗或精神保健专业人员,他们对特定个人及其残疾有直接经验.
    • The documentation must include the following: The professional’s name, address, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, title, 以及专业资格证书, 包括有关许可和认证的信息, 专业领域, and qualifications for helping people with this specific type of disability.
  • The documentation must be recent (within the past five years) and age-appropriate, 取决于残疾的性质和类型, to determine the need for accommodations based on the individual’s current level of functioning.
  • The documentation must include a diagnosis of the disability indicating the current status of the disorder and its prognosis.
  • 该文件必须包括对该个人特定的身体或精神损伤的性质的解释,以及它如何实质上限制了病情, manner, 该个人的一个或多个主要生活活动的持续时间,因为它与参加TU的学术和机构课程有关, 活动, 和环境.
  • 该文件应说明具体的学术, 住房, 或者需要饮食调节, with an explanation of why the accommodation is necessary based on the individual’s functional limitations.
  • 文件必须用专业抬头的英文信纸打印,并由医疗保健专业人员通过传真直接发送给残疾服务协调员, email, 或美国邮政.

先前的评估小组报告(ETR), 个性化教育计划(IEP), 业绩总结(SOP), or 504 Plan alone is generally insufficient to establish full eligibility for accommodation in higher education. 然而, these documents can aid in the process of determining what accommodation is appropriate. Individuals requesting accommodation may upload their most recent ETR, IEP, SOP, or 504 Plan with the 残疾服务登记表格 to be considered during the accommodation approval process.

《博彩平台推荐》规定,高等教育机构必须提供合理的便利,并对课程进行适当的修改或调整, 程序, 服务, policy, 当学生透露自己有残疾的时候.  The institution must also provide auxiliary aids and 服务s that enable students with disabilities to participate in, 有机会, 并从所有学术和机构项目中受益, 活动, 以及教育机构提供的环境.

住宿是基于残疾的影响, 项目或活动的基本要素, 以及与学生互动的过程. TU considers all accommodation requests individually on a case-by-case basis. 通过消除或减少与残疾有关的障碍,为平等入学提供了另一种实现课程目标或要求的方法. 住宿提供了一个公平的竞争环境, 而不是不公平的优势, 根据个人对残疾的感受而有所不同.

辅导服务不被认为是一种住宿,因为所有TU学生都可以获得辅导服务,无论能力或残疾如何 Office of University Academic Support located in the 墨菲学术支持中心. 另外, the University is not required to provide personal items that are needed to accomplish daily 活动 both at school and elsewhere, 比如轮椅, 助听器, etc.

While there is no comprehensive list of accommodations and 服务s 午餐大学 offers, 一些比较常见的类型包括, 但不限于 (详情请参阅 残疾服务办公室学生手册 有关各住宿及服务的详细资料):

  • 另类媒体
  • 辅助技术(AT)
  • 盲人和弱视服务
  • 聋人及重听人士服务
  • 饮食住宿
  • 笔记工具和服务
  • 临时住宿
  • 测试设施
  • 大学住宿
    • 情感支持动物(ESA)(HUD下)
  • 其他住宿及服务
    • 大学学分加(CCP)住宿
    • 实验室助理
    • 个人护理助理(PCA)
    • 服务动物(SA)


学生, 教师, 工作人员可以通过电子邮件向残疾服务协调员提交非正式申诉,以便在需要倡导访问的情况下进行申诉.  作为非正式申诉和互动过程的一部分, 协调员将协助学生, 教师, 和工作人员一起寻找解决方案. 倡导服务可能包括但不限于:

  • Gaining access to inaccessible 程序s, 活动, or environments;
  • 确保在要求时使用经批准的设施;
  • Ensuring the proper use of approved accommodation by the student; and
  • 合规问题.


An individual whose accommodations are not approved may appeal the final decision on the following grounds:

  • Procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the request (e.g., material deviation from established procedures); or
  • 残疾人服务协调员对请求提供便利的个人有利益冲突或偏见.

Disagreement with the final accommodation decision is not, by itself, grounds for an appeal.

The student wishing to appeal an accommodation decision must submit the online 残疾服务办事处上诉申请表格 within three (3) business days of the date listed on the letter advising the accommodations were not approved.

Internal 投诉歧视、骚扰、 and 报复

觉得自己受到歧视的学生, 骚扰, or retaliated against based on disability may file a formal internal complaint by completing 午餐大学’s 第九条和公民权利在线报告表格. 这项权利是按照博彩平台推荐第九条 & 民权政策. 我们会认真对待所有投诉,并迅速进行调查. If it is determined there has been a violation of University policy, 适当的纪律, 行政, 或其他行动将由理工大学自行决定.


Individuals may file an external complaint with the United States 教育部 Office for Civil Rights.

How to File a Discrimination Complaint With the Office for Civil Rights

U.S. 教育部

TDD: 800-877-8339
Email: OCR@ed.gov
网站: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/complaintintro.html

U.S. 教育部

TDD: 800-877-8339
Email: OCR.Cleveland@ed.gov


